At MediumForbes, our editorial team strives to make every piece of content we publish unbiased, honest, authentic, inclusive, and fair. We make sure that our readers get the best quality information that’s well-researched, evidence-based, and entertaining as well.
Our Content Principles
- Reader-centric: The editorial team works towards bringing our readers closer to the answers to what they’re looking for. Be it beauty, wellness, fashion, entertainment, or lifestyle, we have something for everyone no matter what you enjoy reading and in the most informative and comprehensible way possible.
- Fair & Reliable: We make sure that the information imparted to our readers is fair & reliable by making sure our content is: Written by subject-matter experts Reviewed by professionals and doctors Evidence-based and scientifically-accurate
- Unbiased & Inclusive: Our content caters to a wide group of audience and we try to ensure that we approach our readers with sensitivity and understanding regardless of their gender, age, region, religion, sexual orientation, and physical or mental abilities. We make sure that we don’t pick sides when it comes to facts and let our reviews or articles get affected due to any kind of bias.